Unadilla Next Stop For Bassett Free Cancer Screening Coach
One of the great medical opportunities we are blessed to have in a rural area like ours, is the Bassett Hospital free medical screening coach. This "laboratory on wheels," makes its round throughout Otsego, Delaware and Chenango counties on a regular basis. The coach brings a number of free screening opportunities to out-of-the-way communities and small towns and villages that may be to far from a Bassett medical facility for patients to conveniently travel to. The services are at no cost but you must make a reservation for an appointment.
The Bassett free screening coach's next stop is Unadilla. The coach will be situated at the former Bishop lot on Main Street on Thursday May 15. The hours of operation will be 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The coach will offer no cost services such as mammograms and Pap tests to women 40 and over. This is a service for people both with and without medical insurance. You must make a reservation for the screening and tests. Please call1-888-0225 for an appointment and to get details on receiving these free medical services. For men and women, you may avail yourself of a free colorectal cancer screening test kit if you are 50 years of age or older.
Please follow our Townsquare Media website for future dates and locations of the Bassett medical screening coach. This service keeps a busy schedule during the summer months, and we will make sure you have plenty of notice to make an appointment to participate in the services when the coach comes to your town in the area.