PPE To Be Offered for Free to Oneonta Small Businesses
The City of Oneonta will provide two gallons of hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, touch-free thermometers and surgical masks to local small businesses free of charge.
To be eligible, businesses need to be located within the City of Oneonta, have affirmed compliance with Department of Health regulations on the NYforward website, and have fewer than 50 employees."Oneonta is coming together to help our local businesses to Survive, then Thrive," announced Mayor Gary Herzig, "I want to thank the Otsego County Chamber, Destination Oneonta, Otsego County Emergency Services, and the Mohawk Valley Control Room for partnering with the City of Oneonta in providing this support."
Every business that is now open is required to affirm compliance with current DOH guidance for operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Directions on how to affirm can be found at www.SupportOneonta.com . Additional assistance with the affirmation process is being provided at no cost to all organizations by the Otsego County Chamber.
Distribution will take place on Thursday July 9 and Friday July 10 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in front of the gates of Damaschke Field. PPE recipients must remain in their cars, and will receive the items through the car window. To participate, masks must be worn and all safe distancing requirements must be followed. Eligible businesses should reserve these supplies in advance by contacting Barbara Ann Heegan at baheegan@otsegocc.com or (607) 434-3130 or Katrina Van Zandt at katrina@destinationoneonta.comor (607) 376-7599