Rep. Delgado-backed “Moving Forward Act” Advances
U.S. Representative Antonio Delgado (NY-19) joined in voting to pass H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, comprehensive infrastructure legislation that includes a nearly $500 billion investment in American infrastructure to create jobs, support American manufacturing, and restore U.S. competitiveness. As a member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Rep. Delgado voted to advance key elements of this legislation and championed provisions to address limo safety loopholes, increase funding for rural transportation and bus routes, and invest in rural broadband infrastructure.
“Today I proudly voted for the Moving Forward Act, which makes critically important investments in our nation’s infrastructure and improves the safety of our roads and bridges H.R. 2 includes our bipartisan legislation to update vital safety regulations to take dangerous limos off the road, close safety loopholes, and keep drivers and pedestrians safe.” Rep. Antonio Delgado, a member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure continued, “On October 6, 2018, our community experienced a tragedy that never should have occurred. We owe it to the families and communities affected, including the first responders who rushed to the scene of the accident, to make this bill the law of the land.”
“This legislation also includes necessary investments to improve transportation in rural communities. Specifically, H.R. 2 includes my legislation to expand rural bus routes and transportation investment in rural areas, a critical priority I’ve heard from small business owners and community leaders across the district,” said Rep. Delgado. “I proudly cast my vote today to make long-overdue investments in modernizing broadband internet access across the country. The digital divide holds back our rural communities, our young people, small businesses, seniors and veterans who urgently need access to high-speed, affordable internet to remain competitive in the global economy.”
To learn more about this act CLICK HERE