New COVID Tri-County Numbers Dec. 13
The Otsego County Department of Health (OCDH) released their COVID-19 report yesterday, stating that there were were 48 new cases confirmed over the weekend in the county. Currently there are 170 active cases, 16 current hospitalizations and 8 COVID-19 related deaths.
Health officials continue to be very concerned with the significant daily rise in cases and remind people that COVID-19 symptoms can be VERY mild, such as congestion, headache or runny nose. If you develop any symptoms please get tested, isolate yourself and do not go to work.
The following was posted on the Otsego County Department of Health facebook page:
"As cases continue to be reported in high numbers, the public health department and contact tracers are overwhelmed. If you test positive isolate yourself and you will be contacted by the local health department. If you are notified that you have been in contact with a positive case please self-quarantine for 14 days. If you have been identified as a contact by the positive case you will receive a call from the contact tracers. This process may be delayed due to the volume of people needing to quarantine."
In Delaware County, Delaware County Public Health reported Sunday that there are now 83 known active cases in the county following 5 additional confirmed cases yesterday. There are currently 4 people hospitalized with COVID-19 complications. The number of county residents under mandatory quarantine is at 402. Delaware County is fairing better with the number of cases than Chenango and Otsego Counties.

In Chenango County, According to the Chenango County Health Department, as of 12/11/20, there were 125 active COVID-19 cases in the county with 7 related hospitalizations, 502 and are now in mandatory quarantine. The total confirmed cases for Chenango County (since March) is at 781.
If you suspect you may have been exposed to COVID-19 or have ANY symptoms (even mild), then get tested. To locate a testing site near you, visit coronavirus.health.ny.gov/find-test-site-near-you. All you have to do is put your zip code and you'll get a list of sites where you can get tested.
KEEP READING: See 25 natural ways to boost your immune system