New York State Looking To Cancel Regents And Standardized Exams?New York State Looking To Cancel Regents And Standardized Exams?The New York State United Teachers union is looking to cancel Regents and other standardized exams again this year due to the Coronavirus.Dave "Wheels" WheelerDave "Wheels" Wheeler
New COVID Tri-County Numbers Dec. 13New COVID Tri-County Numbers Dec. 13Coronavirus cases are now rapidly rising in Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego CountiesLeslie AnnLeslie Ann
Chenango Co. Death: New COVID Tri-County NumbersChenango Co. Death: New COVID Tri-County NumbersCoronavirus cases are now rapidly rising in Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego CountiesLeslie AnnLeslie Ann
Get New COVID Numbers WednesdayGet New COVID Numbers WednesdayCoronavirus cases are now rapidly rising in Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego CountiesLeslie AnnLeslie Ann
35 New COVID Cases In Otsego Co.35 New COVID Cases In Otsego Co.Coronavirus cases are now rapidly rising in Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego CountiesLeslie AnnLeslie Ann
Dec. 7 Coronavirus UpdateDec. 7 Coronavirus UpdateCoronavirus cases continue to steadily rise in Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego CountiesLeslie AnnLeslie Ann
Dec. 3 Coronavirus UpdateDec. 3 Coronavirus UpdateCoronavirus cases continue to steadily rise in Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego CountiesLeslie AnnLeslie Ann
Post Thanksgiving Coronavirus UpdatePost Thanksgiving Coronavirus UpdateHealth Officials are very concerned with the rapid rising number of confirmed cases each dayLeslie AnnLeslie Ann
Is Santa Claus ‘Immune’ To COVID-19?Is Santa Claus ‘Immune’ To COVID-19?This holiday season, many children are nervous that Santa may get COVID-19. Is Santa immune to the coronavirus?Dave "Wheels" WheelerDave "Wheels" Wheeler
Central NY COVID Cases Continue to RiseCentral NY COVID Cases Continue to RiseHealth Officials are very concerned with the rapid rising number of confirmed cases each dayLeslie AnnLeslie Ann