Nine thousand tons of candy corn will be produced this Halloween.  Do you like to eat this item?

Dan says no.  Big Chuck says yes!  They were created by George Renninger in the 1880s and were originally made by hand in candy molds. Brachs is the company that dominates the candy field today and they have come up with many variants of the white, yellow and orange Halloween icon.

You can now find Thanksgiving candy ("Indian corn") which is white, orange and brown, Easter candy ("bunny corn") which substitutes pink, Christmas candies ("reindeer corn") which substitutes red and others.

If you lined up all the candy corn  made every year, they would circle the earth more than 4 times!

The Goeltitz family has been making candy (including Jelly Bellies) for more than a century.  Their candy corn is considered to be one of the best tasting of them all.  Watch this AMAZING video of how they make millions of these little sugar bombs!