Delaware County Sheriffs Arrest 31-Year Old Woman on Felony Theft Charges
On Thursday afternoon, February 28, 2019, Delaware County Sheriff’s Deputies arrested and charged 31 year-old Christina Townsend, of Port Crane New York, with the felony offenses of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree and Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree.
Townsend was arrested following an investigation conducted by Sheriff’s Deputies and Broome Developmental Center staff into on-going thefts from Broome Developmental Center residents by an employee.
It is alleged that while she was employed at a Franklin, NY, Broome Developmental Center residential facility, Townsend engaged in an on-going scheme, over the course of several years, that resulted in the theft of more than $12,000 from developmentally disabled persons residing at that location.
Townsend was arraigned at the Town of Franklin Court and was released upon her own recognizance pending future court proceedings