Baby Boomer Alert: How Many Remember Kate Smith? (VIDEO)
Kate Smith was one of the most important personalities in American 20th-Century entertainment. Amazingly she was the first superstar of BOTH radio and television!
Older generations remember her with fondness from her #1 long-running radio shows and for her introduction of Irving Berlin's classic "God Bless America." Baby Boomers will remember her for her iconic afternoon television show in the 1950s and her many appearances on the multitude of variety shows that were popular int he 1960s and 1970s
Kate passed away in 1986 at the age of 79. But her spine-tingling rendition of "God Bless America" lives on at sporting events around the nation.
Here is a wonderful video clip of Kate on the Tennessee Ernie Ford Show. It is great to see these two old pros at work!