A welcome sign of the times comes in the form of another Southern Tier County backing down on its regular updates concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.

Image: Zoom
Image: Zoom

Earlier this year, Broome County Executive Jason Garnar discontinued his weekly live news conferences concerning the coronavirus with updates only coming through the county website. Tioga County stopped daily advisories on the Health Department website but still provides daily numbers through the county government page and Delaware County began providing updates only on Thursdays.  June 29, Chenango County announced it would start providing updated only on Tuesdays as infections and deaths continue to decline.

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An example of that is evident in the latest numbers.  There were no additional deaths reported in any of the Southern Tier Counties.

Broome County had 18,147 total cases for the pandemic in the June 29 posting. That’s an increase of only two.  Chenango’s last daily update shows total infections at 3,512, an increase of one case.  Cortland County had no new cases with a pandemic total at 4,591. Delaware County’s last update on June 24 had total infections at 2,425 and 51 deaths.  Tioga County June 29 reported no additional cases, holding steady at 3,908 since the pandemic started in mid-March of last year.

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