Cam Morris from Eastern Travel came by this morning for her bi-weekly travel show...and boy did she have some surprises for me.  Two Big Chuck Bus Dates.  I hope you come with us.



One of the ten most honored Broadway musicals of all time.  Later it was made into an Academy Award-winning motion picture.  I have never seen this musical, but everyone who has says it is about as fun and exciting a time as you can have in 2 hours inside a theater!  This legendary Broadway musical loosely follows the story of a girl group similar to Diana Ross and the Supremes.  There will be more than one standing ovation during this show, for sure!

The musical is at the Binghamton Forum on Sunday, June 2.  We will go to the matinee and then have a dinner together at the Cracker Barrel in Binghamton before heading home.  Get you tickets and details now at 607-432-4040.


flickr klwatts
flickr klwatts

The tenth annual Eastern Travel Lobsterfest in Holyoke, Massachusetts is Thursday, August 15, 2013.  This event is always a sellout with more than 500 people attending from our area.  It is a great (and endless) dinner, lively entertainment and just a lovely day out with some fun people.  All Eastern Travel buses for Lobsterfest are completely sold out..except mine!  We just put this bus up this morning, so I hope you will come on my bus and enjoy the day with us.  Also, after ten years, Lobsterfest may be taking a little break for a while, so this might be the last time you can enjoy this great event for some time.

I hope you will consider these Big Chuck Buses and come along!  Call 607-432-4040 for details and reservations.