Sidney American Legion to Hold Veterans Benefit Saturday!
The Sidney American Legion is hosting a fundraiser for Camp Hope Veterans Outreach. This will be held Saturday October 22nd from 1 to 5PM. We are at 22 Union Street Sidney by the rail road tracks.
This is to raise money for land and a facility to start helping military Veterans with PTSD. Specifically to connect service dogs for those veterans in need of this beneficial & worthwhile service. The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that between 20-22 Veterans are the result of suicide per day. As Camp Hope grows, PTSD service dogs will be provided to Veterans free of charge. TheVet Center in Binghamton, with whom Camp Hope works closely with, will be there Saturday to give free information to vets and families who attend. Vet Centers across the country provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral services to combat Veterans and their families.
Please come out to support this worthwhile and most needed. Any questions? Call (607)-237-4762 or larryhalbert7@gmail.com