It was 20 years ago, March 12 to the 14th, 1993 that the Twin Tiers was socked with it's worst winter weather in its history. The region hasn't seen the likes of the Blizzard of 1993 since. Residents were fairly complacent when the first cautions were put out warning of the possibility of a winter snow storm.  Many just attributed the information to the usual winter weather of the area, especially given the already snowy trend for that season.

Friday afternoon, March 12th, an actual blizzard warning was issued by the National Weather Service and a never before heard of Emergency Broadcast System warning was activated.

Meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Binghamton, Dave Nicosia, says with the rapid rate of snowfall and high winds blowing the snow, it was hard to get a handle on the exact snowfall totals at the airport, but it's been recorded at 21 inches.  Nicosia says, combined with the snow that had already been on the ground, snow depth following the blizzard measured 35 inches, which was a new record that still stands today.

The region was crippled for several days until public works and highway crews, some driving road graders, were able to clear roads and for schools and businesses to reopen.