Otsego County Sales Tax Refund is Down 26.9% From 2019
According to AllOtsego.com, the May sales-tax check arrived at 197 Main St. today in Cooperstown, and County Treasurer Allen Ruffles reports it is 26.9 percent lower than last year’s May check.
That is a reduction of slightly less than $600,000, he said, but higher than the 25 percent NYSAC estimated.
The sales-tax allocations are issued every other month, and Otsego County’s largest ones will be known in July and September, reflecting summer business –- or the lack of summer business.
The good news, such as it is, is that Otsego’s percentage reduction is not as great as in some counties, Ruffles said. “We were down by a lot. But by no means were we down the most.”
According to AllOtsego.com Orleans County, to the east of Niagara County, near Buffalo, saw a 45 percent reduction, he reported. Chenango County, west of here, was down 29 percent. Schoharie, to the east, did a little better, 17 percent.
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