Oneonta Airport 50th Anniversary Celebration a Big Success!
On Saturday, hundreds of citizens visited the Oneonta Municipal Airport for a big 50th birthday party. The weather was spectacular and everybody had a fantastic time. Lots of planes were buzzing in and out of the airport during the festivities, giving it all an air of excitement.
Speakers included U.S. Congressman Chris Gibson, NYS Senator Jim Seward, Oneonta Mayor Gary Herzig, Airport Commissioner Len Carson and others. Sky divers landed with precision to the cheers of the crowd. A team of Black Hawk helicopter pilots flew their "bird" to the airport and they were "rock stars" to all the young people who got to visit with them and even sit in the pilots seats! Helicopter rides and plane rides were offered, and the Laurens Marching Band offered up several music selections. Food was supplied, including hot dogs and a chicken barbecue. Music was provided by Doug Decker, Kathleen and Johnny. They are always reliable and enjoyable participants in various city events.
A shout out was given to all the Job Corps personnel who were on hand. They did much of the renovation work at the new terminal. A special recognition was given to former Oneonta Mayor Sam Nader, 98, who was on hand to recall the very beginnings of the airport during his administration a half century ago.
I was happy to be invited to emcee this great community event!