NY Attorney General Warns of Coronavirus Scams
According to New York State's Attorney General Lettis James, scams involving the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) are now circulating. James warns that scammers "commonly exploit real public health concerns and use heightened public fear to prey on consumers and profit from frauds related to those health fears." The AG suggest that "while all New Yorkers should remain vigilant and ensure they are informed, there is no cause for great concern or panic."
The type of scams that the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is watching out for include: potential retailer price gouging of necessary goods and companies selling bogus medical treatments that claim to effectively treat or cure COVID-19. Consumers need to be aware that there is currently no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent the disease.
To be better informed and prepare, James offers consumer tip. Visit the Attorney General's website at ag.ny.gov/coronavirus for tips on what to watch out for.