We all have our go-to stops when it comes time to go out and buy holiday presents. The local mall, your favorite small business, gift cards to popular restaurants or excursions. Nowadays, holiday shopping can be as easy as sitting on the couch and opening up your phone. This gallery shows 18 different items that are currently for sale on eBay that all have a connection to Upstate New York. 

Do you have that someone in your life that is just incredibly difficult to find the right gift for? Gift cards can feel too impersonal sometimes, but you don't want to settle for another scented candle or Christmas mug. I am notoriously hard to find a gift for (that is what my wife always says) but trust me, I will take any or all of these great items this year.  Just load up my stocking! So hey, maybe the perfect gift for that difficult someone is on this list?

This list leans heavily into nostalgia, so it is fun to look through.  Who didn't love the Catskill Game Farm and all the fun memories there?  And who doesn't love Grandma Brown's Baked Beans?  And who is old enough to remember those two funny talking Utica Club beer steins Schultz and Dooley?  They, and many other items, are just waiting for you to snap up, wrap, and put under the tree for your loved one or friends this holiday.

This was such a fun list to write up!

18 Epic Upstate New York Christmas Items For Sale Right Now on eBay!

If you are stumped when it comes to giving a Christmas gift to someone this year, how about giving them a little piece of Upstate New York?

Here is a list of 18 "Upstate-themed" items for sale on eBay right now. These include artwork, nostalgic antiques and collectibles, iconic Upstate foods, unique jewelry, funny items, and more. But hurry, all of these items were for sale when this gallery was published and they may be gone when you check it out. I mean, who doesn't want a Buffalo chicken wing Christmas ornament this year? Right?

With so many to choose from, what is your favorite item on this list? Well, watch for my pick for "top gift on this list." You will see it, and trust me, if you don't buy it....I will!

'Lions and Tigers and Bears (Oh My)' at These 15 Great Upstate New York Zoos

This is a list of many Upstate zoos, animal sanctuaries, animal rescue farms, and adventure parks where the whole family can visit and get close to nature and mingle with some of the most impressive animals anywhere.