New Foundation Grants Now Available For Walton Groups
“The Paul G. and Miriam B. Mattern Fund is now accepting applications to enrich the cultural life and social well-being of residents of the village and township of Walton, NY.” said Tina Barber, Program Officer at The Community Foundation for South Central New York. Past recipients include: Music on the Delaware, the Village of Walton, the Town of Walton, and the United Way of Delaware/Otsego.
Applicants will now be able to complete and submit their applications to the Community Foundation on-line. “The deadline for this opportunity is March 13th, 2020. Interested organizations should visit our website at www.donorswhocare.org to view the guidelines and start the application process,” said Ms. Baber.
About the The Paul G. and Miriam B. Mattern Fund:
The Paul G. and Miriam B. Mattern Fund was created in 2012 to honor the lives and volunteer activities of Paul and Miriam Mattern, who lived in Walton, New York from 1962 until their deaths in 1982 and 1990, respectively. Paul Mattern was Delaware County’s Cooperative Extension agent for twenty years, a member of the board of the Delaware Valley Hospital, and a generous contributor to charitable organizations. Miriam Mattern gave of herself tirelessly to volunteer activities. Both were pillars of the United Presbyterian Church, serving as elders and trustees, and on countless committees. They lived simply and well, in the hope of leaving this world a better place than they found it. Although started by the family, the Fund welcomes charitable contributions from anyone who cares about and wishes to invest in the future of Walton.
More information about the Foundation can be found on its website: www.donorswhocare.org