Little League Sensation Mo’ne Davis in Oneonta This Weekend!
The little league sensation that graced the cover of Sports Illustrated last August will be in Oneonta this weekend. Mo'ne(Mo-nay) Davis made a name for herself last year as a 13 year old girl that led Philadelphia's Taney Dragons into the Little League World Series. Davis now plays for the Anderson Monarchs baseball team comprised of 13 and 14 year olds and they are currently on a 23-day, 21-city civil rights barnstorming bus tour. The Monarchs will play the Oneonta Hurricanes 14u team at Damaschke(Duh-mas-key) Field in Oneonta Sunday at 2 p.m. and Mo'ne and the Monarchs will stick around for the Oneonta Outlaws game at 5 p.m. as Mo'ne will throw out the first pitch.