New York State has begun sending out notices to dead beat taxpayers that the rules of the game have changed.  According to a new state law, enacted in April, if you are a taxpayer who owes more than $10,000 in back taxes to the state, that could put you on the road to losing your driver's license.

I say it is about time!

In a day and age of tightening budgets and drying up financial streams, it is only right that that those who choose to ride along on the tails of the 96% of us who pay our taxes in a timely fashion have to face the music.

And this is no small potatoes.  It is estimated that a billion dollars is owed in back taxes to the state annually.  Think about that the next time they want to close the rest stops on I-88 to save money, or they cut teacher's pay or veterans benefits.  I say this pool of dead beat taxpayers is fair game for the state to go after.  And that it is way over due!