All little 10-year old Oliver Burton wanted in his life was a meeting with Queen Elizabeth II.  He loves her.  His request for a meeting was denied.

Oliver suffers from Downs Syndrome and a terminal cancer is expected to live only a few more weeks, or maybe a month.  When the news of his dying request was made known to actress Helen Mirren she went into action.  Mirren is currently on stage in London portraying the Queen.  She invited Oliver and his family to visit her show and come back stage after the performance.  She paid for this out of her own pocket.

Backstage Mirren stayed in full character as "The Queen" for little Oliver.  She had a butler serve them both tea and biscuits.  She even knighted the young boy as "Sir Oliver" and told all those gathered (in her very best Elizabethan tone) that "the young boy was to be known and addressed from this day forward as Sir Oliver."

Oliver's dad told the UK Daily Mail after the meeting, "Helen stayed in character as the Queen the whole time we were with her.  Oliver thought she was the real queen and that is fine with us.  She really did it up proper for OIliver.  He was thrilled."

So, again I ask: "Is Helen Mirren the nicest person in the world?"  Well, for this week, I have to say yes, yes she is.