UHS Delaware Valley Hospital Updates

The Physical and Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation Department of UHS Delaware Valley Hospital is now closed to outpatient treatment until further notice. This is being done to further the practice of social distancing and help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Staff members and therapists are in the process of contacting current patients. If you have been undergoing therapy and have a question or concern please call the office at 607-865-2194. Staff are continuing to provide therapy to our swing bed inpatients.

The Finance Department at 20 West Street will be closed to the public beginning Monday, March 23. This is in keeping with the Governor’s NYS on “Pause” declaration. Bills can be paid on line at nyuhs.org, click on $ Bill Pay icon at top of home page. Payments can also be mailed to Delaware Valley Hospital, 1 Titus Place, Walton, NY 13856. Should have a question about a bill, please call 607-865-2193.

UHS Delaware Valley Hospital and the entire UHS system is committed to doing all we can to help curtail the spread of the virus to our patients, staff and community members at large. By practicing social distancing, we hope this will more quickly bring this emergency to an end.

We appreciate everyone’s patience as we respond to the ever-changing conditions of each day. Updates are also posted on the nyuhs.org website as well as on The United Health Service Facebook page.