Here is an Update on the Downtown Oneonta Revitalization Project
Here is an update on the City of Oneonta Downtown Revitalization Project. This latest update comes from Kim Muller the Chair of the program's Project Selection Committee.
"Greetings to all of the applicants and stakeholders in the City of Oneonta. On behalf of the Project Selection Committee, I wanted to provide an update on our work to date in reviewing DRI applications.
We were delighted by the sheer number of applications submitted. The Committee has now met nine times, with meetings ranging in length from two to three hours, and the individual Committee members have spent many hours on their own, reviewing each application. I’m happy to report that we have now completed our initial review of all of the dozens of applications received, and we’re beginning the challenging but rewarding effort of assessing the applications for their viability and positive impact on Downtown Oneonta,
As much as we would like to provide you with a specific timeline for award announcements, we remain committed to prioritizing thoroughness of review over speed. We have four meetings on our calendar between now and mid-December and will continue to work as quickly as we can, remaining mindful that Oneontans are eager to begin work on their projects. As always, you are welcome to contact Elizabeth Horvath at Delaware Engineering if you have questions or want an update. Thank you for your patience with this process as it unfolds. We are committed to giving each application the thorough consideration it deserves in order to make the best possible decisions for Oneonta’s downtown.
Wishing you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving."