OK, friends.  It is that time of the year again when I bang my head against the wall trying to come up with just the right gift for my loving wife Trish for Christmas.

I really want to make it special this year.  Trish is a beautiful woman, a kind soul, a passionate educator, a great Mom, a lover of all animals and not a bad cook if I do say so myself!  So for all of her years putting up with Big Chuck (and all that comes with that!) I really want my  gift to be extra special this year.

Ladies (in particular) I am asking you.  Take a look at my gift and tell me...how do you think Trish will react to this?  I think it is a perfect gift to give a loving wife.  But what do I know...

Let me hear from you!  I like it but I don't want to get into any trouble.  Here it is.....