First Annual Poker Run to Benefit Delaware County Veterans
The Delaware County Mountain Eagle Riders are sponsoring their first Benefit Run for Our Heroes of Delaware County.
The event will take place on Saturday June 14th. Registration will start at 9:30 am, with kickstands up 11:30 am. The run will start and end at the Roadhouse in Hamden. The cost is $20 for drivers and $5 for passengers for the poker run, with all motorcycles and cars being welcome.
There will be a BBQ at the Roadhouse after the run with music and door prizes. Meal tickets (if not participating in the run) are $10 single, $15 a couple.
All money raised will benefit a Delaware County veteran in need, with assistance from the Delaware County Veteran Affairs Office.
Being that it's Flag Day, participants are encouraged to display the American flag on bikes and cars.
For more information, contact the group's president Kevin McGrath at 607-865-7145.