Recently on my morning show, Dan and I were talking about pineapple cheese.  I actually thought it was a cheese made out of pineapple.


Pineapple Cheese got its name from the appearance of it.  It was really just a cheddar (originally) but when it was being aged or cured, it was strung up in bags and hung for weeks until it was ready.  Upon unraveling the finished product the cheese would be imprinted with the familiar criss-crossing marks (made by the string) of a pineapple!  Hence...pineapple cheese.

Another fact that I did not know about was that pineapple cheese was made in great quantities around this region.  Afton, Norwich, Delhi, Greene and other places made a ton of this cheese.  And Milford too!  I heard from many of my listeners in the Milford area who reminded me that pineapple cheese was a big commodity in the Milford area and in fact it was made there right up and into the 1950s.

Do you remember pineapple cheese?