To celebrate child passenger safety week, Delaware County Public Health will be conducting two free car seat safety events at Little Lamb's Children's Center, 383 Delaware Cty Highway 11 Oneonta, on Monday, September 17 & Wednesday September 19. Both events will run from 3-5:30pm.

Car crashes are the No. 1 killer of children aged 1-to-12 years in the United States. The best way to protect them in the car is to put them in the right seat, at the right time, and use it the right way.

The purpose of the event is to educate parents on proper installation of their existing child car seat. Certified passenger safety technicians will show parents the proper way to install the seat make sure the child is in the seat correctly, technicians will also make sure that the seat has not expired, or been recalled.

New seats will be available to those who currently have seats that are expired or that are deemed unsafe.

Delaware county public health receives funding from the New York state governor's traffic safety committee and the national highway traffic safety administration to offer this free event to the public. For more information call Delaware county public health at 607-832-5200.