Here is The Tri-County Breakdown of NY State’s COVID ‘Test to Stay’
As the post-holiday local COVID-19 cases continue to rise at a high rate, the New York State Department of Health says that "test to stay" for schools is a strategy the dept. supports but according to a release, schools get to decide to use this strategy or not. The goal is to keep as many kids and staff members as possible in schools.
On a local level, back in on December 15, the Otsego County Department of Health, being overwhelmed by schools using "test to stay" announced that they just didn't have the staff to continue doing "test to stay" (see the original release below). It's not known if schools in Otsego County require the cooperation of the health department to utilize the state's "test to stay" strategy or not.
As it stands right now, there are new guidelines from Otsego County DOH for county residents in relation to COVID exposure, quarantining, and more. Go here to get all the current guidelines. County health officials ask that anyone taking a home COVID test with a positive result, please report it here so that health officials can more accurately keep track of cases in the county.
In Delaware County, the health department is following New York State DOH and allowing is schools (as of today) to opt for "test to stay" if they want to according to a release. What that means is that students, teachers, and other school staff who test negative for COVID after exposure to the virus may remain in school.
Looking at COVID-19 case numbers reported by The Otsego County Department of Health: There are currently 841 known active cases and there are 5 people currently hospitalized with COVID-related complications. The total COVID-related deaths since the beginning of the pandemic have gone up to 95. The Health Dept. has a COVID-19 dashboard with daily updates for the latest information.
Booster shots are available to ALL ADULTS 18 and older. To stay up to date on vaccine clinics in Otsego County, visit www.bassett.org/covid-19/covid-19-vaccine and www.otsegocounty.com. Also, keep in mind that you can receive a vaccine through your Bassett Healthcare Network provider and at various local pharmacies.
Case numbers are even higher in Delaware County right now. Delaware County Health officials have an update from yesterday, reporting 697 active cases with 14 people hospitalized. Go to delawarecountypublichealth.com/covid-19/#Dash to access the Delaware County Public Health COVID-19 dashboard.
In Chenango County, the health department reported, there are now 713 active cases in the county with 15 hospitalizations and the total of deaths related to the virus at 92.
The level of COVID-19 transmission remains HIGH in Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego Counties according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
For those who are currently eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, visit www.co.chenango.ny.us/public-health/nursing/covid19.php to find information on the latest clinics available. Those who wish to receive the vaccine need to register online.

Pop-up Vaccination Sites Across New York State:
Back in September, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that pop-up vaccination sites would be coming to communities to increase the vaccination rate in kids 12 and older. The pop-up locations change every week. To find out the latest location, visit covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/nys-vaxtoschool-pop-locations.
Below is a list of resources for vaccines for those 5 and older:
NYS Am I eligible site: am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov
Or call 1-833-NYS-4-VAX (1-833-697-4829)
For UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital you may call 607-337-4888
For BASSETT you may call the information line at 605-547-5555 or visit Bassett.org.
If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19 CLICK HERE to learn what to do next.
To find a COVID-19 testing site near you visit coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-testing.
To get information about COVID-19 vaccination distribution, CLICK HERE.
Finding Covid-19 testing sites
There is a COVID-19 Test Site Finder from the New York State Department of Health that helps you locate where to access Covid testing near you. Just put in your zip code at coronavirus.health.ny.gov/find-test-site-near-you.
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