Otsego County Fire Wire is reporting a major structure fire in Cooperstown at the recently closed Cooperstown Motel.  Efforts are underway to prevent fire from spreading to the Price Chopper supermarket next door.   Here is the timeline of the fire

STRUCTURE FIRE - Cooperstown Motel on Beaver Street, caller advising flames and smoke showing - Cooperstown Fire

0223 - Building unoccupied
0224 - Fly Creek Fire, Milford Fire, Hartwick Fire, Hartwick Seminary Fire. Law enforcement on scene confirming working structure fire.
0226 - County Coordinators being requested.
0232 - Multiple Cooperstown units and multiple mutual aid units responding.
0235 - OC 1 responding.
0255 - All responding units on scene operating.
0259 - 30 minutes on scene
0329 - 60 minute on scene time. Cooperstown 1 advising that units will be operating on scene for some time. From radio chatter on the tac channel, appears to be extensive interior operations. Also appears that they are attempting to prevent damage to Price Chopper from the incident. NYSEG requested to the scene.