I am not afraid of flying.  I am not afraid of taking the elevator to the top of a skyscraper.


I am generally not afraid of heights.

I am not afraid of flying.  I am not afraid of taking the elevator to the top of a skyscraper.

Heck, I am not even afraid of peeking over the edge of Vroman's Nose.  But, well, there just is something about heights.  And on a ladder?  Never?  I fall too hard and too fast when I go down and at my age I just cannot afford to be doing that.   I won't even get up on a pair of roller skates for fear of crashing to the floor amongst the jingle jangle of tumbling little kids, the sound of my shirt ripping and the sense of my knee popping out.

And for that reason, I give these guys all the credit in the world.

Good for you!  But...for me?  No way!  Take a look: