Belleayre Mt. To Receive New Medical Center
Belleayre Mountain Ski Center will add a state of the art medical/emergency service facility. State Senator James Seward joined officials Monday with the New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority, and Belleayre Mountain Ski Center to announce plans for the new medical center which will be funded by a $1 million grant secured by Senator Seward.
Medical services at the Belleayre Mountain Ski Center are currently located in two locations which are positioned in less than optimal locations. The new medical/emergency services building will enhance medical care and provide a state of the art, accessible location for emergency service. To create the new medical center, an addition will be constructed to an already existing structure, resulting in a 2525 square foot facility. The new medical center will incorporate a linear configuration to facilitate the movement of a patient from the ski slopes through the building into an ambulance in an efficient and safe manner. A trauma room is included, along with a ten-bed in-patient area and a First Aid station.
Along with upgrading the emergency services, the change will also allow for the retrofitting of the areas in the Discovery Lodge and Overlook Lodge which currently house medical services.