I will be going away for a long weekend next week.  As I start planning my trip I am trying to think which old zipper gym bag I will take with me to carry my clothes.  Will it be the small one that says "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" on it?  Or maybe the double zipper bag that says "Bud Light?"  Or even the long collapsible vinyl bag that says "Alpine Lace Cheese" on it.  I won them all in contests.  No thought whatsoever to the luggage situation for a trip for me.

Flash back to the 1950s and 1960s for a moment.  When our family went on vacation we took the good luggage.  You know, the Samsonite stuff.  It was elegant, indestructible and looked quite beautiful strapped the the luggage rack of our 1963 Ford Country Squire 9-passenger station wagon.  My parents paid for two years on that luggage.

Heck, even the inside of the suitcase was gorgeous (below).


Imagine today's kids making payments for two years on....luggage?