United Way Bowling Tourney Fundraiser Returns for 2020
Exciting News!
The United Way is bringing back our annual bowling tournament on Sunday, January 26th, 2020! In the past this has been an annual event that was a lot of fun for the community and was a great fundraiser for all the Untied Way does in our area.
There is space for 32 teams and space for 32 lane sponsors. These registrations and sponsorships will be taken on a first come first serve basis.
So grab some friends, and register a team! Not a bowler, that’s OK. You can still support this effort by choosing to be a lane sponsor.
Please support our United Way of Delaware and Otsego County.
All of the monies raised through this tournament will go to support the United Way of Delaware and Otsego County programs such as the Monthly Mass Food Distribution, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. For information on any of these programs or to inquire about the Bowling Tournament:
For information call lease call Kimberly Lorraine 607 432 8006.