Susquehanna SPCA Pets Of The Week–‘Lynx And French’
Meet the Susquehanna SPCA “Pets of the Week” – “Lynx and French”. Every Tuesday morning on Classic Hits 103.1fm, Allison Hungerford, licensed Vet Tech at the Susquehanna SPCA, will tell us all about a special dog or cat at the shelter looking for its forever home which has been overlooked by visitors for some reason. Many times, it's because many animals are shy while in the shelter because it can be a stressful situation! Once adopted, many cats and dogs warm right up to their owners.
This week we are going to feature two adoptable dogs who would love to find a forever home together. Lynx and French are two 4-year-old Labrador Retriever mixes who have been brothers for as long as they can remember. They adore each other's company and enjoy accompanying their humans on walks just as much as snuggling on the couch. This duo is so lovable and easily become best friends with every human they meet, even kids! Lynx and French would do best in a home without cats and small dogs, but would likely welcome the company of another dog their size.
Folks interested in adopting one (or both!!) of these pups should call the SQSPCA at 607-547-8111 for more information. As an added incentive to keep these two together, the SQSPCA offers a 20% off discount on the adoption fees of two pets going home together.
Don't forget to check out our other SQSPCA featured Pets Of The Week. Click here to view.

Many thanks to the "Pet of the Week" sponsor: Five Star Subaru, dog-tested, dog-approved, located at 331 Chestnut St., Oneonta, NY.