“Strike Two” Cooperstown Halloween Parade Cancelled Due To Covid Again
Looks like it is "strike two" for the Cooperstown Annual Halloween parade. Once again Covid-19 has forced the parade organizers to decide that Cooperstown’s annual Halloween parade had to be cancelled. According to AllOtsego.com, executive director of the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce, Tara Burke, said the decision did not come easy.
All is not completely lost for the children and families who enjoy celebrating Halloween in Cooperstown. Still scheduled are a outdoor Halloween-themed movie and children’s activity with the Village Library of Cooperstown and the Cooperstown Police Department, the Cooperstown Art Association’s Annual Pumpkin Glow, Trunk-or-Treat at the Railroad Inn, Day of the Dead Celebration at the Village Library with the Cooperstown Graduate Program and of trick-or-treating throughout the village.
For more information about local Halloween events, visit the Cooperstown Chamber’s online event calendar at www.wearecooperstown.com, or email office@cooperstownchamber.org and ask for the Cooperstown Chamber’s Halloween Guide.
While all parties concerned are ultimately looking toward the safety of the children on this fun night, we can understand that there will be a lot of disappointed spooks and goblins who will miss the parade.
We urge all children and adults to please follow all Covid-19 safety protocols.
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