Two At Unatego School Test Positive for Covid
COVID-19 remains actives in our listening area.
According to, two people at Unatego Central School have tested positive for COVID-19. One of the cases is a teacher and another is a student. According to a message posted on the UCS website by Superintendent David Richards on Tuesday, Oct. 12, the school was informed Tuesday about the two positive tests. The student was last in school Thursday, Oct. 7, and the teacher was last in school Friday, Oct. 8, Richards said. There will be no required contact tracing for the student. The teacher's case has been referred to the Otsego County Department of Health.
In another Unatego school story, two football games have been delayed due to Covid issues with another opposing team, and a schedule change for the games has been announced. The games were scheduled for the next two weeks and dates have been re-arranged. Another game, against Moravia, has been added to the schedule.
We urge all students and adults to continue to adhere to COVID-19 safety precautions.
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