State Senators Seward and Libous Comment on State Budget
State Senator Jame Seward says the new state budget addresses many of the concerns of his constituents, such as education aid, property tax relief, and job creation incentives. The new budget contains a $1.1 billion increase in school aid focusing on needy school districts.
Seward says the budget also eliminates some taxes on businesses, reduces energy taxes and increases the estate tax exemption, boosts the prescription drug program for seniors, provides new funding for roads and bridges, and hikes college tuition assistance.
Overall, Seward says the budget is fiscally responsible and adopted on time for the 4th consecutive year.
State Senator Tom Libous says he is pleased that the governor has included $10 million in the state budget to build a pharmacy school for Binghamton University.
Libous expects the facility to create more jobs through research dollars. The $10 million in the budget will allow Binghamton University to search for a site for the new pharmacy school.