Sen. Seward Announces Bill to Stop Harassing Phone Calls
State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I/Ref-Oneonta) today announced senate approval of legislation to help stop unsolicited telemarketing calls. The bill (S.4777) supported by Senator Seward would expand on the “Do Not Call” registry, first created in 2001.
“My office receives complaints on a regular basis concerning unwanted phone calls from telemarketers,” said Senator Seward. “I have fought to end this annoying practice for some time with a degree of success, but the battle continues. This legislation is another step to help hang up on the seemingly endless barrage of calls that come at all hours of the day.”
Senate bill 4777 would build on the “Do Not Call” registry, one of New York State’s most popular consumer laws. The new bill focuses on telemarketers making live calls, requiring them to inform customers of their ability to opt out and be added to the company’s do not call list. The bill also blocks telemarketers from selling contact information to other companies without written consent.
“I have helped enact several updates to New York’s Do Not Call registry since it was first enacted nearly two decades ago to close loopholes and stay ahead of unscrupulous companies. While our laws have been effective, we must remain vigilant and continue to look for ways to protect consumers from unwanted intrusions,” added Seward.
The legislation must still be approved by the state assembly and signed by the governor to take effect.
Companion legislation (A.2224) has been introduced and referred to the Assembly Codes Committee.
Signing-up for the “Do Not Call” registry is simple and free. To register by phone, call toll free 1-888-382-1222. You must call from the phone number you wish to register. You may also register on-line at www.donotcall.gov. Through the on-line form you can register up to three telephone numbers. You must have a valid e-mail address to take advantage of the on-line registration.