Otsego County Mourns Another COVID Death As Pandemic Marches On

The level of COVID-19 transmission remains high in Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego Counties according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Let's take a look at where we are right now in our tri-county region.
Each County's Current Vaccination Rate :
Health officials in our tri-county area are continuing the message to those unvaccinated: "get vaccinated as soon as possible". Currently, the vaccination rate in Chenango County's population 12 and older with at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is at 65.6%, Delaware County's vaccine rate is at 60.5%. In Otsego County, the percentage of residents 12 and older with at least one dose is 63.4%.
Let's take a look at COVID case numbers locally:
Looking at COVID-19 case numbers reported by The Otsego County Department of Health (9/23): There are currently 114 known active cases with 7 people hospitalized with COVID-related complications. The total COVID-related deaths since the beginning of the pandemic just went up to 67 with one new death. The Health Dept. has a COVID-19 dashboard with daily updates for the latest information.
To stay up to date on vaccine clinics in Otsego County, visit www.bassett.org/covid-19/covid-19-vaccine and www.otsegocounty.com. Also, keep in mind that you can receive a vaccine through your Bassett Healthcare Network provider and at various local pharmacies.
Delaware County Health officials have an update from the week ending 9/22, reporting 196 active cases with 5 people hospitalized. With one new death reported, the total number of deaths related to coronavirus complications is currently at 53. Go to delawarecountypublichealth.com/covid-19/#Dash to access the Delaware County Public Health COVID-19 dashboard. DCPH also reported the following information about those contracting COVID in the county...
73% of the positive cases are unvaccinated
27% of the positive cases are vaccinated
27% of the positive cases are Pre-K-12th students/employees
1% of the positive cases are college students/employees
In Chenango County, the health department reported on September 23, there were 140 active cases in the county with 6 hospitalizations and a total of 83 deaths related to the virus.
For those who are currently eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, visit www.co.chenango.ny.us/public-health/nursing/covid19.php to find information on the latest clinics available. Those who wish to receive the vaccine need to register online.
Chenango Health also is now distributing the Pfizer vaccine as a booster shot to those eligible which includes anyone:
- 65+ years old
- 18-64 years old at high risk of severe COVID-19
- 18-64 years old whose frequent institutional/occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2 puts them at high risk of serious complications of COVID-19 including severe COVID-19.
If you are eligible, you can receive the vaccine at least 6 months after your last shot.
Below is a list of resources for vaccines for those 12 and older:
NYS Am I eligible site: am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov
Or call 1-833-NYS-4-VAX (1-833-697-4829)
For UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital you may call 607-337-4888
For BASSETT you may call the information line at 605-547-5555 or visit Bassett.org.
If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19 CLICK HERE to learn what to do next.
To find a COVID-19 testing site near you visit coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-testing.
To get information about COVID-19 vaccination distribution, CLICK HERE.
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