Opportunities For Otsego (OFO) announced it’s learned that Census Bureau in-person visits intended to locate and count hard to reach communities, will end on September 30 – a month earlier than scheduled which makes it that much harder to reach every household and make sure everyone is counted. If enumerators can't complete in-person visits to make sure each household is filling out the census, that could translate to less funding for New York State programs across the board.

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In Otsego County, about one in every two households have still not responded to their 2020 Census questionnaire. In order to encourage people to respond to the census, enumerators will need to make in-person visits to a staggering number of homes, over 15,000, from August 11 through September 30. OFO encourages residents to log on to census2020.gov to complete the census now so that New York can receive the funding needed for essential services, impacting the next 10 years since the census only comes around once every 10 years.