I see it every day, but I don't really see it. 'It' is the inspection sticker on the windshield of my vehicle. What I need to do and sometimes forget, is to look at the expiration date.

I will admit, I have gone a few days (or weeks) past the time the inspection due date has passed, but as soon as I notice, I've had it taken care of. It's just one of those things that only need to be attended to once per year, and is easily forgotten.

According to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (NYS DMV), inspections expire on the last day of the month punched on the inspection sticker. And I normally wait until a few days before, to get my vehicle inspected.

Something has changed for the New York State DMV inspection stickers. The NYS DMV Commissioner, Mark J.F. Schroeder, has announced that the design of the sticker is transitioning to print-on-demand vehicle inspection certificates, adding vehicle-specific information that was not on previous versions, including plate number and mileage.

NYS Sample Inspection Safety Sticker
Photo by: New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
NYS DMV Sample Inspection Sticker
Photo provided by: New York State Department Of Motor Vehicles

The color of the New York State inspection sticker will continue to change from year to year. The NYS DMV expects the transition from the old design to the new design to be completed by the end of 2023.

Just a reminder, in New York State, all registered vehicles need to have a safety inspection at a licensed inspection station once a year or when the ownership of the vehicle is transferred. For more information, visit the NYS DMV. 

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