In the City of Good Neighbors, we strive for politeness and consistency when it comes to our rep of being kind to anyone and everyone. 

Except sometimes, there are times when you have to hold your ground and stand up for yourself, but you don’t want to offend your family, friend, or neighbor. 

You have to be “good neighborly” about it…right?

While most people are “Good Neighbors” in Western New York, every street will tell you that there’s at least one neighbor that tests the boundaries of privacy. Whether it’s the neighbor trying to talk to you as you get out of your car to find out if you know what exactly Stacy is doing on Saturday nights that makes her house so brightly lit, or the neighbor asking you where you have been or what you are doing today or why your sister’s car had a dent in it the last time she visited you…sometimes, it’s just not their business. 

And while Buffalo, New York is probably the world’s Biggest Small City, not everyone needs to know everything. 

So don’t be afraid to tell them it’s not their business and they can beat it.

…but maybe don’t say it so harshly. 

We took a poll on Facebook @1065wyrk and asked for some more polite, “good neighborly” ways to tell someone to “beat it,” and the answers did not disappoint. 

  1. “Oh my goodness! How Personal!”

  2. "I'm not ready to discuss that with everyone."

  3. That would violate my NDA.

  4. “my attorney has advised me not to discuss it.”

  5. "Meddle not in my affairs! Look to thine own house, O baseborn wastrel, ere ye skulk about the windows and eaves of others!"

  6. “I’m surprised you feel comfortable asking that question.”

  7. “I’ll forgive you for asking that question if you’ll forgive me for not answering.”

  8. "That's a HIPAA violation."

  9. “This matter is being addressed, but thank you for your concern.”

  10. “(Insert name), you’re out of your element.”

  11. “I don’t know, you should ask them.”

  12. “Why do you ask?”

  13. "Wow, that's a strange question to ask out loud.”

  14. “I’m sorry, I’d rather not talk about that right now.”

  15. “I truly appreciate your concern, but I’d rather not talk about this without my attorney present.”

  16. "Of course you'll understand why I need to maintain some boundaries around that."

  17.  "Oh hey this needs to stay private, thanks for understanding."

  18. "Oh you should ask Nunya" Who? "Nunya Business"

  19.  "Ehh I'd rather not talk about it. It's all good tho."

  20. "Oh, I'd hate to bore you with the details..."

Maybe give one of those a try the next time someone tries to find out what’s going on down the road. ;)

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