Hartwick, N.Y. Plans “Pollinator Week” Event on June 17
Otsego Land Trust (OLT) is teaming up with New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) to celebrate National Pollinator Week by offering a planting event at Parlsow Road Conservation Area on Monday, June 17 beginning at 6pm. Parslow Road is located at 127 Parslow Road, Hartwick, NY 13348.
Trees are a leading cause of power outages and may present unsafe conditions when growing near electric wires. The use of Integrated Vegetation Management, or IVM, on NYSEG’s electric lines is critical to system reliability, ecosystem health, safety, and cost. IVM is a comprehensive approach to create and maintain desirable conditions within power line rights-of-way by promoting low-growing, stable plant communities that resist development of tall-growing tree and shrub species that may interfere with our electric wires. It is a long-term approach that aims to minimize repeated disturbance and harmful effects on the environment. There are many tools in the IVM toolbox, such as selective cutting and spraying, pruning, mowing, hazard tree removal, invasive species removal, native habitat restoration, and seeding.
NYSEG has promoted the enhancement of pollinator habitat on its rights-of-way because not only do many of our native plants provide forage and nesting sites for pollinators such as butterflies, moths, bees, bats, and birds, but also because many of our native pollinator plants are low-growing, long-living, and desirable in the vicinity of our electric wires. Not to mention, pollinator plants provide beauty to the landscape. These plant communities can help resist invasion of tree seedlings by occupying growing space and outcompeting them for sunlight, water, and nutrients. More importantly, the value of pollinators to our ecosystems and global food supply can’t be overstated. Without pollinators, we’d have no food, and without food, we’d have no need for electricity!
NYSEG will be providing several pollinator and wildlife species to be planted in and around the power line right-of-way on the property, including common elderberry, black chokeberry, American hazelnut, Eastern redbud, tulip poplar, and swamp white oak. All are welcome to join in on the planting fun, from child to adult. Please RSVP to Becky at 607-547-2366 ext. 108 or becky@otsegolandtrust.org – we want to ensure there are enough tools and snacks for all.
OLT’s mission is to conserve the natural heritage of woodlands, farmlands and waters that sustain rural communities, promote public health, support wildlife diversity and inspire the human spirit. For more information about Otsego Land Trust, visit OtsegoLandTrust.org or call 607-547-2236.
NYSEG, a subsidiary of AVANGRID, serves 894,000 electricity customers and 266,000 natural gas customers across more than 40% of upstate New York. Learn more at NYSEG.com.