Election Day Otsego County Races and More
Tuesday's mid-term elections are almost here. Below, you'll find information on Otsego County elections on the ballot. According to AllOTSEGO, you'll see three seats on the Otsego County Board of Representatives to vote on, along with five seats on Oneonta’s Common Council, control of the Richfield Town Board, three state Supreme Court seats, and other local races. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Here’s a list of the contested races:
State Supreme Court (Vote for 3):
Chris Baker (R)
Oliver N. Blaise, III (R)
Pete Charnetsky (D)
Mark Masler (R)
Claudette Y. Newman (D)
Otsego County Board:
District 2, Michele Farwell (D) vs. Marcia Hoag (PVO)
District 3, Rick Brockway (R) vs. Caitlin Ogden (D)
District 14, Jill Basile (D) vs. Wilson Wells (LBT)
City of Oneonta:
Ward 1 Council member: Luke Murphy (D), write in; Michele Frazier on ballot, but moving away
Ward 2 Council member: Mark Davies (D), Seth Peter Clark (R)
Ward 4 Council member: Kaytee Lipari Shue (D), Jerid Martin Goss (R)
Ward 5 Council member: Danielle D. Tonner (D), Leonard Carson, Jr. (R)
Ward 6 Council member: Mark J. Boshnack (D), Scott Harrington (R)
Ward 8 Council member: Mark Drnek (D), Joshua Clyde Bailey (R)
Butternuts Town Board Councilman (Vote for 2):
Linda Gover (R), Keith Lilly (R), Harry W. Tripp (Ind)
Hartwick Town Board Councilman (Vote for 2):
Thomas Murphy (R), Jason Blaske (R), Janice Gage (Ind)
Laurens Town Board:
Supervisor: Dean Buccheri (D), David Neske (R)
Councilman (Vote for 2): Mark Peterson (D), Rowland Dutcher (R), Mary Bordinger (R)
Maryland Town Board Councilman (Vote for 2):
Harold Palmer (R), Brian Bookhout (R), A.J. Hamill (LBT)
New Lisbon Town Board Councilman (Vote for 2):
Florence Loomis (D), William M. Whitaker (R), Robert R. Eklund (WTP)
Oneonta Town Board Councilman (Vote for 2):
Patricia Riddell Kent (D), Katherine O’Donnell (D), Brett Holleran (R)
Richfield Town Board Councilman (Vote for 2):
Jeremy Fisher (D), Fred Eckler (R), Edward T Bello, Jr. (R), Kane A. Seamon (LIB)
Westford Town Board:
Councilman (Vote for 2): Steven Zerby (D), Jackson Brady Dubois (D), Jim Feil (R) Superintendent of Highways: Jason Ritton (D), Matt Rifenbark (R)
Worcester Town Board Councilman (Vote for 2):
Diane Addesso (D), Harold J. Ridgeway, Jr. (R), Jeffrey E. Wilcox (R)
For more information, visit www.otsegocounty.com.
This information provided in partnership with AllOTSEGO.