Don’t Miss Hartwick’s ‘Peep Show’
Get ready to do some seriously fun peeping at Hartwick College's annual marshmallow “Peep Show” which will take place on Friday, April 8 in the Foyer of Anderson Center for the Arts on the Hartwick College campus. This creative event plays homage to the marshmallow peep and is free and open to all.
During this "Peep Show" Hartwick College and community members alike will display their interpretation of the marshmallow peep in a variety of creative ways. Awards will be given out to the best entries. If you would like to enter, drop off your submission for the show on April 8th between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Entry judging will begin at 2 p.m. with the awards handed out at 4 p.m.
This year the Peep Show is organized by Kappa Pi, the campus’ newly formed branch of the international art and art history honorary society. For further information on the event, contact Kappa Pi Co-President Laura Cernik at cernikl@hartwick.edu or 518-779-9033.