There are many legendary baseball players who are buried in the Empire State.  Most of these are buried in New York City, Westchester County, or Long Island.

I once wrote a book about famous people buried in New York, and traveled to the graves of most of these player.  It was quite a revealing journey.  For example, perhaps the most visited sports grave in America is that of Babe Ruth.  He is buried in Hawthorne, NY (Westchester County) in Gate of Heaven cemetery.  Ruth's grave is quite imposing depicting a large statue of Jesus Christ with his arms around two small boys dressed up to play baseball.  I have been to Ruth's grave twice.  Each time I found the grave covered with trinkets, good luck charms, baseballs, bats and balls, Yankee memorabilia, personal messages, and more.  All of which is gathered up and archived by the cemetery.  His grave shows signs of having been visited frequently by fans.

A short five minute drive south of Ruth's grave you can find the final resting place of the legendary Lou Gehrig.  He is buried in Kensico Cemetery in Vallalla, NY (also in Westchester County).  The two times I visited the "Iron Horse" gravesite it was covered with tall grass, completely devoid of memorabilia and trinkets, and one could rightfully assume that Lou is not visited very often.  Two superstars.  Two different graves.

I suspect the four men in this baseball gallery are more likely like Lou Gehrig.  They are unvisited and almost forgotten by most.  However, they are the only four ballplayers who are buried in Upstate New York and also are inductees in the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.

And their stories deserve retelling.  That's what we do in this gallery.

Do You Know These 4 Upstate New York Baseball Players? You Should, They Are All in the Hall of Fame!

Each summer thousands descend upon the hallowed baseball grounds of Cooperstown New York to witness in person the induction ceremonies of the sport's greatest legends. We know all of their names. But there are pages of trivial facts within the walls of the Hall of Fame. And they are fun.

This gallery looks at the four legendary baseball players who are enshrined in Cooperstown, but remain the only four players buried in Upstate New York (which we loosely refer to as the area up and out of Manhattan).. Do you recognize their names?

Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and other mythic baseball figures are buried in lower New York closer to New York City. These four are buried in our region and their graves are easily accessible to the public.

And their stories are great!

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

7 Of the Strangest, Oddest Sights In Upstate New York! Weird, But Very Cool!

There are hundreds of odd, interesting, quirky, and totally fascinating sites and sights spread all over Upstate New York. Here are seven of the best. I mean, you have to admit any gallery that includes a 1929 gas station, the oldest trees in the world, a two-story brick outhouse, and the world's largest kaleidoscope is sure to grab any road warrior's attention!

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio