Court Rules NY Assembly District Map Stands But Only This Year
A New York appeals court is allowing state Assembly elections to proceed this year under redistricting maps signed into law this year but must redraw lines in time for the 2024 elections.
The maps have come under fire from Republicans and other critics who say the lines give Democrats an unfair advantage.
This time, it was two Democrats and a Republican who had asked the court to invalidate the Assembly maps and move the primary to August or September, so new ones could be drawn.
Friday, June 10th's ruling affirmed an earlier court decision that it was too late to move the state's June primary. But the court says maps drawn by legislative Democrats could not be used in future elections.
Delaying the primary until September, the court wrote, was no longer feasible.
The primary is set for June 28, and the general election is scheduled for November 8.

Redistricting based on 2020 census numbers caused an uproar as the redrawn lines would give Democrats a strong advantage in critical races for Congress.
The state's highest appeals court tossed out the Senate and congressional maps in May, saying lawmakers had exceeded their authority in drawing them.
The Court of Appeals ruling last month said the Assembly maps were also probably passed unconstitutionally — but it didn't strike them down because, at that point, no one had challenged them in court.
A new primary election for the Senate and Congressional Districts has been set for August 23 while the governor, Assembly, judicial seats and party leader primary voting has remained scheduled for June 23.
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