Board of Elections Adopts Candidate Filing Changes
Governor Cuomo has signed Chapter 24 of the Laws of the 2020, which makes changes to the filing deadlines for designating petitions.
These are in addition to the changes to signature requirements that were made by the Governor’s Executive Order 202.2 which ended signature collection on March 17th and reduced signature requirement from 5% to 1.5% of active registered voters.
Party petitions for the June 23rd Primary Election must be filed with the appropriate Board of Elections by Friday March 20th.
The Otsego County Board of Elections will be open for filing between the hours of 9am and 5pm. The office will also remain open until 5pm on March 24th, the last day for candidates to accept or decline a party designation.
For more information, contact the Board of Elections at 607-547-4247/4325