Amazing Volunteer Firefighter Efforts Save Cooperstown Area Restaurant
If you live in the Cooperstown area, you may remember the Redneck BBQ restaurant on Rt. 28, south of Cooperstown? That restaurant closed and was reopened as the Rusty Bison restaurant where a fire took place early Saturday morning. According to the Rusty Bison Facebook page, damage from the fire " wasn't nearly what it could have been".

According to AllOTSEGO, the Cooperstown fire alarm blared at around 4:00 am on Saturday, causing residents to be concerned since it seemed to go on for quite a while. Heading quickly to the scene of a fire in progress at the restaurant were local volunteer firefighters from Hartwick and Cooperstown.
Firefighters must have done a great job quickly extinguishing the flames since the damage was not visible by looking at the exterior of the building that same morning. That's remarkable and demonstrates how quickly and efficiently fire crews worked to save the building.
Below, Rusty Bison owners comment on the fire...
Needless to say, in order to recover from the interior damage and make repairs, the Rusty Bison is closed until further notice.
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