A Re-Cap of “This Week in Central New York”
Join us every Saturday morning at 7:00 for our community affairs program titled "This Week in Central New York."
On this past week's show (September 21):
Big Chuck talked with Karen Sullivan who is organizing this year's Otsego County Hazardous Waste Day. Karen is the Director of Planning at the Otsego County Solid Waste Department. More than 500 people took advantage of this event in 2018.
Big Chuck also chatted with Patricia Leonard. She is the executive director of the Family Service Association at 277 Chestnut Street in Oneonta. It is time for their annual "famous" golf ball drop fundraiser on September 28. The event is held at the 6th Ward Booster Club Field on Scramling Avenue in Oneonta.
Leslie Ann interviewed Lynn Gluckert and Frank Cavalieri about the Catholic Charities pheasant hunt fundraiser.
And Big Chuck wrapped up this week's show with a visit with Ameen Aswad from the Otsego County prison ministry organization. He talks about all of the programs his group provides those who are incarcerated in the Otsego County Jail, and for those who have served their time and look to the group for guidance in the future.
Join us each Saturday morning at 7:00 for "This Week in Central New York."