50th Anniversary for SUNY Delhi’s Educational Opportunity Program
Congratulation to our friends at the State University of New York at Delhi for acheiving a significant milestone. Their program which helps students in need, has just reached its 50th anniversary. The programs has helped many, many students along their academic journey.
SUNY Delhi's Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is celebrating its 50th anniversary this fall. Founded by SUNY in 1967 with the commitment that "every student capable of completing a program of higher education should have the opportunity to do so," EOP provides academically and financially disadvantaged students access to supplemental support such as tutoring, counseling, and financial aid. EOP was instituted at SUNY Delhi in 1971.
Mr. Gary Manning of Delhi, NY, worked with SUNY Delhi's EOP from the beginning, first as a counselor, and then as the director from 1978 until his retirement in 1999.
"I arrived at EOP as a kind of big brother, and by the time left, I was more like a grandfather," Manning says about his two decades in the role. "Every day, we endeavored to do our best to deliver EOP students the services they needed to successfully navigate college at SUNY Delhi. I thoroughly enjoyed my time - I went to work every day knowing my work was necessary, productive, and appreciated."
Current SUNY Delhi EOP Director Louis Reyes says he is honored to continue to build on the foundation left behind by former directors.
"Our campus has supported this program for 50 years which is testament to its commitment to access and support to all students and particularly those who are academically and financially disadvantaged but possess the promise to succeed in college."
To be eligible for EOP, a student must be a New York State resident, enrolled as a full-time student, and meet financial and academic requirements. Consideration is given to students from historically disadvantaged backgrounds.
For more information, visit www.delhi.edu/eop or contact Louis Reyes at (607) 746-4747 or reyesla@delhi.edu
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